Two of the main topics in accountancy
in recent years that have a strong economics focus are modern methods
of Performance Measurement and introducing a Customer and Strategic
Focus into the decision making used by the firm. With Performance
Measurement, CIMA (the Chartered Institute of Management Accounting)
has sposered research into how the best performance management systems
include non-financial as well as financial performance measures.
The logical result of this is to link the non-financial and qualitative
measure into the companies concerned stated strategic goals. With
Customer Focus, the need for companies to consider decisions in
terms of whre the extra customers are coming from, or how key customers
will react to a strategy.
Theory is fine, and at least with
research studies you get some examples that can be applied against
the theory. However, consider this limitation. To implement a decision-making
model that relies upon customer focus and qualitative performance
measures assumes an economic environment of the firm that approaches
perfect competition. How many companies can directly relate what
the firm decides to do to customer behaviour? Many organisations,
espcially those who are small parts of large companies, have little
or no say on who their customers are. This often extends to limited
decision making power over what to make and how much to sell it
Does this mean that we should only
apply these techniques to organisations that operate totally in
an open market? Satisfying customers is just as significant to an
organisation that is part of a large company as this will still
determine success or failure. It is just the techniques used to
measure performance that need to be adjusted. In fact, the techniques
are likely to be more complex and more sophisticated. One piece
of evidence for this is that Management Accountants tend to be in
greatest demand in companies that are not straightforward. Analytical
tools are required because of the complexity of the business.
The purpose of this article is to
look at two examples of how in practice a customer focus can be
developed, along with relevant performance measurement. The examples
are one service sector and one manufacturing. This is a deliberate
choice as we can see the similarities in choice of solution and
the issues that were faced. Conclusions can then be drawn on the
benefit to the company and the impact this has on Economists and
Management Accountants.
For our service company example
lets take a passenger train company that wants to make investment
decisions on how to improve its trains. It would have a mission
statement that focussed on customers. This may be on how it would
improve their travel experience or that it would attract so much
market share from car drivers. What sort of performance measures
should it use to measure this and how can it make decisions in a
way that refers to its stated strategy?
The traditional reasoning behind
the sort of measures such a passenger train company should use would
be like this. This was identified in the CIMA published book
Performance Measurement in Service Industries: Making it work
by Fitzgerald & Moon. Diagram 1 shows the clasification
scheme used to distinguish between different types of service industries.
Therefore, our company fits into
the model as a mass service provider. In terms of traditional cost
accounting, it is likely that this would be interpreted as a case
for overhead cost control. This implies little focus on customers
or customer profitability. It is likely to treat income as a given
factor determined by external forces (e.g. economic growth). Pricing
decisions are likely to be considered only in terms of capacity
pricing, given the low marginal cost of additional customers.
If we accept this reasoning then
we have a problem in developing a performance measurement package
that can relate to a stated customer focus strategy. Do we argue
that a strategy of a mass service treating customers as if it were
a professional service is wrong? If there is a business benefit
to be gained from a people rather than a product focus, which modern
management beliefs would tend to favour, then there is a need to
do this. For instance, customers tend to see good service in terms
of the individual treatment that they get. This applies even where
there is a large or dispersed customer interface, such as with a
call centre.
Performance measurees that a mass
service will find easy to use such as efficiency (e.g. in our example
train punctuality) at best can only be used as a proxy for customer
related measures. This proxy would develop links between efficiency
and cost indicators that cna be measure directly and dynamic models
of how the customers behave. The sort of dynamic models that could
be used were outlined by Davis & O'Donnell in the May 1997 Management
Accounting, using the example of an airline.
Market Research plays an important
part in developing these proxies. Using a research methodology such
as the SERVQUAL one developed by Parasuraman, Zeithmal & Berry
allows expectations of customers as well as service delivery to
be measured. This also allows weightings to be applied to the different
elements of customer service. Thus, a link between the financial
impact of efficiency in terms of customers and the other elements
of customer service can be estimated. In our example, the train
company would use information on train delays and the compensation
it paid to customers for these delays. To get the compensation the
customer would complete market research which would gather information
on how the customer felt about the delay compared to the other elements
of the customer service they had received.
This provides some base information
in terms of measuring the overall performance. At the same time,
the organisation would benchmark itself against its competitors
in terms of both price and the elements of its customer service
it had identified (from its customers) as being important. In our
example, we can compare to airlines, coaches,cars and even not making
a journey at all. From this information we can start to develop
a decision making model which describes the flow of how the performance
measures are used and how they relate to each other. (see diagram
In practice, this sort of model
operates as a learning experience. Feedback on success of marketing
a particular improvement allows the whole company to focus on its
strategic goal. The result is a model that incorporates financial
and non-financial performance indicators. It includes a financial
forecast of the impact of a piece of investment that can be monitored
by each responsible department in an organisation. The level of
analysis it covers is not only long term items such as a strategy
review but also short term areas such as the effect of a strike
at a competitor.
For our manufacturing company, let's
take the example of a production site for a large multinational
consumer electronics comapny. It is likely to do much of its business
within the multinational group. It buys parts from internal procurement
organisations and sells finished appliances to internal sales organisations.
In this circumstance, traditional
theory suggests the financial measures of performance are likely
to have limited meaning. If you can't decide what to make and who
to sell to then a customer focus may appear to mean very little
as part of devision making. As with our service company, a process
focus would seem likely to dominate.
The CIMA research study Performance
Measurement in the Manufacturing Sector split non-financial
performance measures into those covering Quality, Delivery, Process
Time, Flexibility and Cost. The Cost measure was seen in terms of
Internal and External Benchmarking. From a process focus, this would
be consistent with our scenario. Our company would seem at first
glance to be dominated by internal comparisons, especially efficiency
measures compared with equivalent plants in the group in other countries.
The financial performance measures
that accompany these process-oriented measures would traditionally
be the use of standard product costs and variance analysis against
these standards. Increased sophistication of such measurement tools
through the use of Activity Based Costing, for instance, would be
unlikely to make financial information as improtant to the decision
making of the company as the non-financial efficiency measure. This
is particularly so against the internal benchmarks that are likely
to dominate.
This may seem straightforward, but
it is also misleading. Almost every multinational company will have
a customer focus as part of its global strategy and we can assume
this is the case here. The Head Office will ensure buy-in to the
strategy through insisting that the production company has a complimentary
customer focus in its own strategy. This is established through
control processes and will be reflected in the performance measures
used. For instance, the production site will be monitored by head
office on the batch rejection rate by the end customer of the goods
In addition, the financial performance
measure cannot be ignored. Research studies suggest that even in
this comapny bottom line profit and return on capital employed are
likely to be the most important performance measures. Success is
still seen in financial terms. This company cannot control profit
margin and prices. As with the service company example, we have
the need for overhead control. The same problem is faced, how to
reconcile financial focus on overheads with the business focus on
end customer? How can the company determine what overheads are required
to achieve good customer service?
As with the service company we cna
build a dynamic model that allows the financial performance indicators
of the business to be seen in terms of the non-financial measures.
In the manufacturing case you could drive both long and short term
plans from customer delivery targets, production targets and product
defect targets. Changes in these measures can all be additionally
interpreted in financial terms. A plan to achieve deliveries to
customer will need to be linked to production and procurements plans
in financial terms by the use of assumed sales prices and product
costs, along with assumptions on production defect and achievement
The importance of this is that it
helps to keep the focus on the customer goal without losing the
manufacturing sites natural inclination to focus on the process.
It also recognises the financial impact of decisions without pretending
that finances are driving the decision. For example, the impact
of reducing expenditure on production support can be viewed in terms
of what impact on defect rates result. It will also help with internal
communication with Head Office, especially explaining the effect
in financial terms of Head Office driven decisions. If frequent
product changes affect defect rates, where this decision was driven
from needs to be recognised.
I have attempted to identify two
examples of how theory and research on performance measurement and
customer focus can be used. I deliberately chose extreme examples
from service and manufacturing where the key decisions would appearr
to be removed from local control. In both cases, we needed to find
a proxy for customer focus given the inability to choose customers
or determine prices. The approach was fundamentally the same for
both examples; look at what you can easily measure and develop links
between the measures. The company benefits through having a standard
approach to decision making that keeps a strategic focus on the
This brings us to the role of economists
in businesses and management accountants in the process. In both
examples the organisation had various different departmental business
models, the production plan link to defect rate and the train capacity
models being examples. As in most organisations, it is likely that
the reporting of performance measures is reviewed by department
as well as collectively. Therefore, it makes sense to keep responsibility
for these business models within each department. The forecasting
model is just the business model operated by the finance department.
The additional role for economists and finance staff comes from
maintaing the links between different models (in effect management
of the overall performance measurement system) and ensuring co-ordination
and compliance across the organisation.